"How are babies made?" I hear from my 8 year old as she casually walks down the hallway a few weeks ago.
O geez, like remote schooling wasn't hard enough... I look around for back up, Mike is no where to be found, so I take a deep breath and fake some confidence on this parenting test.
Emerson has always been inquisitive and extremely motivated by facts, she does not deal with any gray areas in answers. She also has retained that amazing toddler skill of asking 1,296 questions until she gets an answer she likes.
I obviously know how babies are made so I thought I'd rock this conversation.
Well… one night before her bed time routine, we sat down and I explained how babies are made. I felt great about this moment in parenting - lots of facts, very clear body positive language, answered all of her questions…
I’m just about to celebrate my parenting win when she says, “that doesn’t seem right, you’ve only done this twice so maybe you don’t know. We need to get a book from the library”.
WHAT?!? Mini me, I put my all into that explanation! Ouch...parenting win turned fail.
I recovered from my bruised ego to realize that she’s a born researcher. She is using her resources to gather expert knowledge so off to the library (curbside pick up of course) we go…
So what do babies and metals have in common? It’s important to know how they are made. Research and experts are great to have.
Why should you know about metals? Because everyday I hear from my customers -
“My ears are so sensitive”
“I can’t wear casual jewelry, it always makes my skin itch”
“Is it nickel free?”
Same, girl, same. My skin has always been sensitive and easily irritated by low quality metals. That’s why I have done my research to source the highest quality metals and supplies. Every day jewelry should wear just like your fine jewelry - trusted, high quality, comfortable, and special!
So let’s talk metal!
Knowing about what metals work for you in casual jewelry and what doesn’t will save you lots of itchy ears. I personally test every single metal for my own sensitivities and only source from trusted suppliers. Nickel is most often the culprit for sensitivities. All metals used by Leo and Lynn Jewelry are nickel free.
How many times have you read an online product description and still had questions about what it's made with? When you read a jewelry design description on my site I will tell you what metal is used, so here’s an overview to make the most of your time when reading design descriptions.
Gold Filled is a gold alloy metal made with layers of jeweler’s brass and gold on the surface. The gold surface is bonded with heat and pressure. Gold filled is high quality but affordable compared to solid gold. The gold content must be 5% of the finished metal. It’s a durable metal that can be easily cleaned with mild soapy water and a soft cloth.
Gold Plated is another alloy metal that uses a base metal with a plated surface. An electric current is used to negatively charge the base metal and positively charge a solution around the metal with gold ions. The positive ions attract to the negative charge of the base metal, and slowly form a layer of gold plating on top.
Sterling Silver is a metal alloy that is 92.5% pure silver and the remainder of the metal is usually copper. Copper adds strength and durability. All metal alloys will tarnish as a reaction to elements and exposure. Sterling silver is easy to care for but will require cleaning. Silver tarnish or a silver polish cloth is perfect - just avoid hitting any gemstones.
There are many other metals used in jewelry making but gold filled, gold plated, and sterling silver are the most common in my designs. When purchasing from Leo and Lynn Jewelry, I'm always here to answer your questions. You can use live chat or email from my website to ask any questions about the materials used.
Once you have your gorgeous jewelry, you want to make sure you are taking care of it.

If you came to this blog to learn how babies are made, you might want to take Emerson’s advice and grab a book from the library. I highly recommend What Makes a Baby by Cory Silverberg. Emerson approved - very informative, doesn't assign gender to body parts, and is inclusive of all families.
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